Assorted Goods

Welcome to Assorted Goods, a place for everything that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else. Here, I’ll share a mix of thoughts, experiences, and stories—from the everyday to the unexpected. It’s a collection of whatever’s on my mind, and I’m excited to see where it takes us.

A Naked Little Pistachio
Madeline Madeline

A Naked Little Pistachio

The armor I meticulously crafted to shield myself from pain and vulnerability may have inadvertently become a barrier to intimacy and authentic relationships.

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Credentials and Confessions
Madeline Madeline

Credentials and Confessions

If I haven’t earned your trust quite yet, that’s okay, I get it. But I’m going to keep showing up and sharing my stories. I'm not a genius who graduated from an Ivy League school or an astronaut with an out-of-this-world perspective. I'm a regular-degular 28-year-old girlie pop who's navigating life as a baby adult just like the rest of you. But I am raw and I am honest. And I hope that is enough.

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Arguments Are Awesome! No, Really, They Are.

Arguments Are Awesome! No, Really, They Are.

Do I believe that if this one conversation had taken a different turn, our lives would be drastically altered today? Of course not. But I do acknowledge that this conversation was emblematic of many others we had. We fought over small matters that were symbolic of deeper issues. (Something to consider the next time you are bickering about dishes, texts, or clothes.)

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