Assorted Goods

Welcome to Assorted Goods, a place for everything that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else. Here, I’ll share a mix of thoughts, experiences, and stories—from the everyday to the unexpected. It’s a collection of whatever’s on my mind, and I’m excited to see where it takes us.

Flirty Grocery Store Eye Contact
Madeline Madeline

Flirty Grocery Store Eye Contact

It's too easy to get caught up in the rush of our lives, dismissing these small moments as insignificant blips. But if you pause for a moment, allowing yourself to linger (Queue The Cranberries) in the spaces between the hustle and bustle, you'll discover the profound significance they hold.

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Everybody Is My Bestie
Madeline Madeline

Everybody Is My Bestie

Like a good sandwich (man, I love a sammie), a solid conversation is comprised of several key ingredients – you’ve got active listening (the bread), conversational reciprocity (the protein), respect (the cheese), and empathy (your veggie of choice, might I suggest, Maddy Lettuce?).

But hold the mayo, because today I'm serving up the secret sauce– the mindset shift that makes me a particularly engaging conversationalist.

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