Assorted Goods

Welcome to Assorted Goods, a place for everything that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else. Here, I’ll share a mix of thoughts, experiences, and stories—from the everyday to the unexpected. It’s a collection of whatever’s on my mind, and I’m excited to see where it takes us.

Pheromones? Nah, that’s that me, espresso.
Madeline Madeline

Pheromones? Nah, that’s that me, espresso.

Despite all the scientific explanations, there's still a certain magic to attraction that can't be fully explained by chemicals and evolutionary theory. Sometimes, we’re drawn to people who defy our usual "type," and the reasons can be mysterious. Me, personally, I like confidence, introspection, and a lil bit nerdy. Yes baby, tell me more about your Lego collection. Perhaps it's their unique personality, a shared sense of humor, or an unexplainable connection that makes somethin’ flutter, but your weird crush is valid and honestly, not your conscious fault.

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