Assorted Goods

Welcome to Assorted Goods, a place for everything that doesn’t quite fit anywhere else. Here, I’ll share a mix of thoughts, experiences, and stories—from the everyday to the unexpected. It’s a collection of whatever’s on my mind, and I’m excited to see where it takes us.

Grow Through What You Go Through
Madeline Madeline

Grow Through What You Go Through

For me, learning resilience was a bumpy ride. Growing up, I didn't have a lot of stability. My childhood was a patchwork of chaotic events, and I often felt like I was just trying to survive. My nervous system was permanently in fight-or-flight mode until I was about 24 years old. But survival teaches you things. It taught me how to adapt, how to find moments of joy in the darkest times, and how to hold on to the belief that things can get better. I’m 28 now, and in just four years, I can tell you with certainty that things can get better.

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